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Understanding Herbal Medicine

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Why You Should Use Natural Herbal Remedies


Why You Should Use Natural Herbal Remedies

Published July 17, 2009 by:

Cheryl Dennett


Herbal remedies have been used for centuries. Before modern medicine, that was all people had to help them get better and recover from illness. Today, we have the benefit of being able to combine herbal and modern medicine to get the best of both worlds. 

During much of the 19th and 20th centuries, modern medical professionals looked down on natural remedies. Herbal medicines contain many compounds, which make it difficult to determine what is how they work and why they help certain illnesses and conditions. It is much easier to study and use a product that consists of a single ingredient. The effectiveness of the medicine made from only 1 compound can be seen immediately. 

The main complaint held against natural remedies is there is no way to control the quality of the product. To someone who is buying an herbal remedy, they all look the same. It is difficult, if not impossible, to discern the quality of the product simply by looking at it. It would be very easy for a dishonest practitioner to take a higher quality product and mix it with one of a much lower quality and sell it as entirely high quality. Without lab testing, the purchaser would have no idea they were not getting the high quality product they desired. You must do research as a consumer and find out which firms are reputable. You might even consider growing the remedies yourself. 

So, why use natural herbal remedies? There are many reasons. Humans have long used plants for nourishment and healing. If used correctly, the natural way is healthier for people. Humans have evolved alongside plants in nature. These natural herbal remedies are usually much more dilute. Because of this, the dosage can be adjusted to an individuals needs. This can usually be done with no harm coming to the individual consuming the remedy.

Natural herbal remedies will often work with your body's own defense and healing systems. These remedies also have a very high safety record record, when they are used wisely. And, a large number of natural herbal remedies are supported by the professional medical community.

Some of the remedies have been shown to be effective through medical research. Other natural herbal remedies have been in use for hundreds of years and are known to be effective. These remedies are safe to administer without the expense of going to a medical doctor for treatment. This is usually true for most minor acute and chronic conditions.

There are some natural herbal remedies that can be taken for long periods of time. This is usually done with low doses of the curative. Many of these natural medicines can be take to prevent conditions or even enhance performance. And, because these remedies are natural, they are easy to replace. Many of them can be grown in your own back yard.

Many times, natural herbal remedies are in our kitchen cabinets. The herbs we use to spice up our foods can also help us get and stay healthy. But, as with any type of medicine, you should consult your doctor to make sure there will be no adverse reaction before you begin taking any herbal remedy. It is a good idea to to some research and find out if the natural herbal remedy you would like to try will react chemically with any other medicines you are taking. Never take it for granted that it will be safe because it is natural.


Chevalier, Andrew. "Herbal Remedies". DK Publishing. 2007. New York, NY. USA.





