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Understanding Herbal Medicine

You Are Using Herbs Right Now and Don't Even Know It

Herbal Remedies VS Modern Medicine

Prescription Drugs VS Natural Remedies

The Dangers of Prescription Drugs

Why You Should Use Natural Herbal Remedies

Tips for Life

You Are Using Herbs Right Now and Don


You Are Using Herbs Right Now

and Don't Even Know It

I get calls every week from people who say that herbs do not work. They will then tell me, with much emotion, that they do not use herbs, only medicines approved by their doctor. I smile to myself, then gently ask them

they have ever used Vicks VapoRub or Listerine? They usually reply that they have used those products, but they don't contain herbs so what is my point. They are quite surprised by my answer

You are using herbs everyday and most of you don't even realize it. This article is for you in hopes that it will open up your mind to consider that herbs and alternative medicine do work. You might even understand how herbs and alternative medicine could perhaps provide you with avenues to better health and pain relief.

Herbs are modern medicine based on thousands of years of actual usage by native people now substantiated by thousands of clinical, double-blind published research studies.

Herbs are used by physicians in many countries where modern medicine is available. Herbal medicine is modern medicine in those countries. Herbal medicine there is supported by the government and government research. In those countries, herbal medicine is used with standard medicine together to achieve prevention of disease, healing and pain relief for their patients. It is the best of both worlds, herbal medicine and standard medicine protocols

To begin with, there are 130 or so compounds taken from plants that are used in our modern prescription drugs. Herbal medicine was used for thousands of years before commercial drugs. In most countries today, herbal medicine is the main medicine used by physicians and in hospitals. You will then say that this it is true only in places where modern medicine is not available. You are wrong on that count as well, and I will give you some examples

In World War 1, British and European corpsmen applied garlic soaked dressings to infected wounds saving many men from death and amputation caused by gangrene.

In India, Garlic was used successfully on Leprosy when standard medicine failed.

You Are Using Herbs Right Now and Don't Even Know It

In Japan researchers have published thousands of recent double-blind research papers on garlic. Garlic is used it to treat many medical problems including the flu virus.

In Russia, Garlic is called "Russian penicillin" and is used by physicians in hospitals and doctors offices to
treat respiratory complaints, flu, coughs and colds. The usual administration of garlic is by inhalation therapy.

Russia and China both have Olympic records in a majority of sports. In both countries, Ginseng and other adaptogen herbs are used in the dietary regimen of their athletes. It is also used by their cosmonauts to counteract the stress of space travel on both body and mind. Dr. Brekhman, a famous Russian scientist and doctor made Ginseng or Elutherococcus front page news. With his government's permission, he conducted controlled testing on large groups of Russian people, including factory workers, school children, military personnel and many others. He published over 200 books and research papers on Ginseng and other adaptogen herbs. Herbs are not steroid drugs and therefore, are not prohibited for athletes. They do not show up on drug testing because they are not drugs. Adaptogens help the body and its various functions to work more efficiently and support the body in counteracting stressful physical and mental circumstances such as weightlessness in space travel. Ginseng helps athletes with the stress of intense athletic training. Russian doctors and scientists are behind this program and herbal medicine is a great part of Russian medicine.

Modern drugs that come from herbs:

Dioxin or Digitalis: Derived from Foxglove herb used to treat heart disorders. Even in the herb form is very potent and should not be used except with the supervision of a doctor.

Ephedrine: Ephedrine is derived from Ephedra. Ephedra is used in many cough medicines and as a bronchodilator for asthma and bronchitis. It is so effective, that it was being abused by people to get high. Now you must ask the pharmacist for it; it is stocked behind the counter.

Colchicine: Derived from the Crocus and used in gout treatment.

Belladonna (Atropa Belladonna): Derived from the deadly Nightshade; Used in eye exams to dilate the pupil and in some medical applications.

Non-prescription medicines and sundry products that use herbal compounds:

Listerine: One of the most popular and effective mouthwash products. Listerine contains Menthol from various Mint herbs; Thymol from the Bee Balm herb group; Eucalyptol from Eucalyptus leaves, and Methyl Salicylate (oil
of wintergreen) from several species of the mint family of herbs.

Euthymol: Antiseptic toothpaste that contains thymol among other ingredients.

Toothpaste and mouthwashes: Many contain a mint or peppermint (an herb) flavoring.

Cough drops and cough syrups: Contain menthol, eucalyptus, peppermint, licorice, horehound,

Salonpas Pain Relieving Patches: Contain menthol and methyl Salicylate

Vicks VapoRub: It Contains Eucalyptus, menthol and camphor

Mentholatum Ointment: It Contains Menthol and Camphor

Tussin Cough and Chest Congestion: It Contains menthol

Matrix Biolace Shampoo (Expensive great high-end shampoo): It Contains salvia or sage extract and saponaria Officinalis.

Aveda Conditioner: It Contains Grape seed extract, pine bark extract, Milk vetch root extract, schizandra chinensis fruit extract, sedurn rosea root extract, rehmannia chinensis root extract

Why are these herbs included in these over the counter drugs and sundries?

Herbal oils and extracts have medicinal properties that affect the body in many healing ways. Some herbs build up the different body structures, some herbs cleanse the body of toxins, and some are potent killers of staph, strep and viruses. Herbs contain vitamins, minerals. nutrition, and medicinal oils. Several herbs oils are explained below and why they are used in the products listed above.

Eucalyptus oil (eucalyptol) is antimicrobial, a decongestant and expectorant for upper respiratory tract infections and lung inflammations. The oil is used in topical ointments, in vet medicines, in soaps, perfumes, dental solvents, and many more products.


Thymol and Cavacrol from the thyme and Bee Balm herb plants. This herb goes back to ancient times when the Egyptians used the herb to preserve their mummies. The Indians used it to treat

infections and wounds in the form of a poultice. The tea has been used by many different tribes to treat sore throats, mouth and gum infections, and abscesses. Thymol is antiseptic and in research has been shown to kill bacteria, molds, ringworm, hookworms and some fungi. Fungi causes fungal infections, for example, nail and toenail fungal infections.

Methyl salicylate (oil of wintergreen) is used for flavoring and does contain some medicinal properties.

Many herbs such as sage are both medicinal inside the body and are beneficial to the health of your hair as well.

I could go on for pages, but I think you now understand that herbs do work. Herbs are the basis of prescription medicines, over the counter medicines, sundries, hair and skin products and so much more. Now that you learned, herbs are contained in all these products, your mind should have opened up. You should begin to see that herbs do work when used properly, are manufactured with quality, and are used for the right health problem.







