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10 Natural Ways to Gain More Energy


10 Natural Ways

To Gain More Energy

regain your energy

Have you ever come home feeling absolutely drained after working your 9-5 shift? Do you struggle to stay awake during work hours? Do you find yourself reaching for the coffee pot every 2-3 hours?

You may be wondering why you are feeling so tired during and after work hours, even after a full night’s sleep. The good news is there are natural ways to combat fatigue and tiredness and you’ll be surprised how effective they are.

1. Increase your sleep time
A study released by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) indicates that adults are not getting enough rest each night. Of those questioned, 70 percent said they had not gotten enough rest or sleep every day of the past month. Sleep is very important for the human body, lack of sleep plays a heavy role in your performance throughout the day.

2. Exercise 3-4 times a week
The very first day that you start your exercise program, you will be healthier than you were yesterday. Why? Because your body immediately responds to the exercise by building new cells and tissues to support that exercise. It gets ready to better handle the exercise you will do tomorrow. Isn’t that amazing?

3. Eat dry fruits
Dry fruit is fruit that has been dried, either naturally or through use of a machine, such as a food dehydrator. Dry fruit contain substantial quantities of essential nutrients in a rational proportion. They are excellent source of minerals, vitamins and enzymes. They are easy to digest and clean the blood and the digestive area. Persons who have this natural diet will always enjoy good health. Also the illness caused by the intake of unnatural foods can be successfully treated by fruits. Though nuts and raisins are small in size, amount of power they provide us when consumed make them very big.

4. Drink plenty of water
Water is your body’s principal chemical component, making up, on average, 60 percent of your body weight. Every system in your body depends on water. Lack of water can lead to dehydration, a condition that occurs when you don’t have enough water in your body to carry out normal functions. Even mild dehydration can drain your energy and make you tired.

NOTE – If you exercise or engage in any activity that makes you sweat, you need to drink extra water to compensate for the fluid loss.

5. Meditation
While meditation is surrounded by religion, beliefs and superstitions, it is a valid body state like any other, such as arousal or sleep. By learning to meditate, you can reap the benefits of this body state which include relaxation, energy and perspective on your life. Meditation is used by people interested addressing conditions such as anxiety, pain, depression, emotional problems, insomnia, and stress. Meditation is also the ultimate brain workout.

6. Deep breathing exercises
Deep breathing is a critical piece of maintaining good health. Most people overlook it even though the majority of the population breathes rapidly and shallowly, probably indicative of the hurried pace of the world we live it. Deep breathing lessens your physical response to stress, helps to keep your mind clear, and increases the levels of oxygen to your organs.

7. Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is the practice of using volatile plant oils (and essential oils) for physical and psychological well-being. As scents are inhaled, the smell travels across the olfactory nerves located inside the nose and then up into the part of the brain that controls our moods, our memories and our ability to learn. This area is called the Limbic System and when stimulated it releases endorphins, neurotransmitters and other ‘feel-good’ chemicals.

8. Take a power nap
Studies show that 20 minutes of sleep in the afternoon provides more rest than 20 minutes more sleep in the morning. The body seems to be designed for this, as most people’s bodies naturally become more tired in the afternoon, about 8 hours after we wake up. Napping somewhat recharges our body, enough to get us through the rest of the day.

9. Eat bananas daily
Bananas are a natural source of potassium. Potassium is important for the human body as it helps keep the body fluids and electrolyte balance in body cells and helps in regulating blood pressure. Higher levels of potassium in the body can reduce the possibility of a stroke. Due to the high level of potassium in them, bananas are considered to be an excellent snack when a person is highly stressed or is working late at the office. This is because potassium helps to normalize the heartbeat sending oxygen to the brain. Increased metabolic rates during stress reduce our potassium levels. Bananas help to replenish them.

10. Think positively
Positive thinking is a mental attitude that admits into the mind thoughts, words and images that are conductive to growth, expansion and success. It is a mental attitude that expects good and favorable results. A positive mind anticipates happiness, joy, health and a successful outcome of every situation and action. This is the basic core of the Law of Attraction, changing your thought patterns affects you and your environment.

So the next time you are feeling tired, think happy thoughts and put on a smile. Before you know it, you will suddenly get a rush of energy by just thinking about it.

In conclusion, if you can introduce 3 or 4 of the suggestions from above to your daily routine, you will see a dramatic increase in your energy level. The main key to gaining more energy throughout the day is to constantly get your blood flowing, replenishing with water, and supplying your body with vitamins and nutrients.

Coffee, energy drinks, and chocolate will provide a short burst of energy, however, they will cause you even more fatigue so just say no!





